Fox Mulder & Dana Scully LEGO Model Instructions

MOC (My Own Creation) LEGO builds are custom designs made by fans. Here we're highlighting a pair of digital instruction downloads of Dana Scully and Fox Mulder LEGO MOC models in the BrickHeadz buildable character style.

These builds are made using the purchased instructions plus LEGO bricks you already have in your collection. There is also an easy way to purchase the required bricks separately, which is noted in the Etsy product listings for both of these building instruction sets.

Building these models is a fun project for AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO). The completed X-Files character statues would be a creative and unique addition to any fan collection.

These two unique LEGO builds include a parts list and instructions to make the models. Note that we are highlighting two separate download products. Each model is about 3.5" tall and 2" wide and deep. Mulder requires 168 LEGO bricks while Scully requires 170 LEGO bricks. 

FOX MULDER – INSTRUCTIONS and PARTS LIST for a custom LEGO® model. NO BRICKS included. The truth is still out there! Need a partner to help find it? Look no... View on Etsy
DANA SCULLY – INSTRUCTIONS and PARTS LIST for a custom LEGO® model. NO BRICKS included. The truth is still out there! Need a partner to help find it? Look no... View on Etsy

Collectible X-Files Barbie & Ken Boxed Set

Remember when the X-Files was so popular that Barbie and Ken dressed up like the iconic FBI agents Scully and Mulder? This awesome boxed set includes the two fashion dolls wearing classic fed outfits and sporting recognizable pin-on FBI badges.  The dolls have even styled their hair to...